Meet Our Team

Meet Our Team

Behind a bunch of late nights and a lot of coffee, come meet our team that's building Athena to be the best admissions assistant for students.

Behind a bunch of late nights and a lot of coffee, come meet our team that's building Athena to be the best admissions assistant for students.

Ajay Natarajan

Founder & CEO

Caltech Class of 2022 / NASA / Kleiner Perkins Fellow / Robinhood

  • Entered Caltech at age 16

  • Graduated Caltech rank #2

  • Admissions coach for 6 yrs

Eugene Shao

Founder & CTO

Caltech Class of 2022 / Facebook / Citadel / Kleiner Perkins Fellow

  • High School Top 11 Astrophysics in the U.S.

  • Admissions coach for 4 yrs

Kevin Jin

UI/UX Designer

Vanderbilt Class of 2021 / Google / Tesla / Robinhood / Figma

  • 9x Software Engineering Intern across Tier 1 firms

  • Ex tech lead @ Robinhood

Experience Athena in Action

Experience Athena in Action

Watch how Athena provides detailed, actionable feedback on a real student essay in seconds.

Watch how Athena provides detailed, actionable feedback on a real student essay in seconds.

Unveiling Athena's Secret Sauce

Unveiling Athena's Secret Sauce

Discover what makes Athena unique. In this video, we discuss all the firepower packed into our platform.

Discover what makes Athena unique. In this video, we discuss all the firepower packed into our platform.

Our Values

Our Values

Why we built Athena, and what keeps us motivated

Why we built Athena, and what keeps us motivated



At Athena, we have an extremely hardline stance on ethics. There is a right way to use AI and a wrong way to use AI — and that’s why we never write any part of your essay for you. We purely give feedback.

At Athena, we have an extremely hardline stance on ethics. There is a right way to use AI and a wrong way to use AI — and that’s why we never write any part of your essay for you. We purely give feedback.

AI + Human > Human > AI

AI + Human > Human > AI

We are at this fantastic inflection point where AI combined with human effort is greater than either one alone. AI serves best as an augment, not a replacement — use it to superpower your essays, not write them for you.

We are at this fantastic inflection point where AI combined with human effort is greater than either one alone. AI serves best as an augment, not a replacement — use it to superpower your essays, not write them for you.

Equality of Opportunity

Equality of Opportunity

Everyone deserves support and guidance in the college admissions process. Our mission at Athena is to leverage specialized AI to serve you the best insights at an affordable price. Want to know what makes a great essay for Stanford vs. Harvard? You're in the right place.

Everyone deserves support and guidance in the college admissions process. Our mission at Athena is to leverage specialized AI to serve you the best insights at an affordable price. Want to know what makes a great essay for Stanford vs. Harvard? You're in the right place.

Ready to get started?

Ready to get started?

Draft your college essays faster and

Draft your college essays faster and

review them more efficiently with Athena

review them more efficiently with Athena